The most useful products for male potency

Male power that does not fade with age is not fiction. How do men with gray hair manage to stay active and maintain good potency? Is there a special nutritional component in their diet? Let's see what the research findings say on some controversial issues. One of them: how mint affects potency and if it works at all.

How does mint work?

Much has been said and written about the effects of mint on erection. It is known that all 35 varieties of mint have a specific "smell of mint" thanks to volatile essential substances - metabolites. Mint or minfa owes its name to a girl who managed to arouse the passionate love of the god of the underworld, for which she was turned into a plant with fragrant leaves. It seems that mint was by no means considered a "potency killer" by the ancients, quite the opposite. Mint was believed to keep the head cold, the mind clear and the heart warm.

The notorious "Studies of English scientists" on the effect of mint on laboratory rats cannot be called an experiment in the strict sense. The rodents were fed mint, watered with mint decoction and received nothing but mint. Such a life will bore everyone. LogicallyMint is harmful if eaten exclusively.

Here are the real facts:

  • essential substances contained in different varieties of mint can calm the nervous system;
  • as a medicinal plant, mint is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • Mint stimulates appetite, activates choleretic and diuretic functions of the body;
  • In menopausal women, mint reduces a small amount of male hormones produced due to hormonal failure.

Male potency is not mentioned here. Peppermint is not able to reduce the amount of male hormones in men. But it makes it possible to fall asleep and sleep well after a stressful week at work. On a Saturday morning a man feels rested and refreshed. And whether mint is so harmful, we will see in the evening! Probably the opposite! And as for the mint tea. . . are there any men who are seriously addicted to this drink? Ginger tea is something completely different.

Useful properties of ginger

Regarding ginger, there is no doubt about its positive effect on potency. The popular rumor, as always, somewhat exaggerates its healing properties, but in general everything is true: ginger stimulates erectile function, and not only it. The useful properties of the ginger root are even compared to the "root of life" ginseng. Ginger is able to activate all important life processes and, above all, the metabolism. Ginger root is a good shake that has a youthful and invigorating effect onboth sexes, male and female.

Possessing a unique set of chemical elements, ginger root is a natural catalyst that has a beneficial effect on electrolytic and chemical processes in a living organism at the molecular level. Activation of the gonads, improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic area occurs due to the influence of vitamins - natural stimulants of reproductive function.

The only problem is the taste of ginger. It's hot like a pepper. Anyone who has ever tried to brew ginger tea remains at a loss - how can you drink it? There is a way out: buy dried, ground ginger and add it to various dishes as a seasoning. In this form, the spiciness of the root sets the scene for the main taste.

Also on offer:

  • ginger pastilles;
  • beverages, beer;
  • Jam.

With them, the sharpness is felt even weaker, but the benefits are less. It is good to combine ginger with other folk aphrodisiacs such as parsley.

How does parsley work?

Like ginger, parsley is one of the tried and tested means of increasing potency. would anyway! Parsley is rich in precisely those vitamins and minerals that are particularly important for the activity of the male endocrine glands.

It turns out that apigenin, a substance with powerful antioxidant properties, is regularly extracted from this garden. Apigenin promotes muscle and skin elasticity, connective tissue strength and overall cardiovascular health.

Parsley acts as a powerful immune stimulant and heals the entire body as a whole. Also, blood circulation in the pelvis improves, testosterone production increases, and prostatitis is cured in the early stages. Here's your parsley!

The only "but" - you can not use parsley in excessive quantities. The same stimulant "Myristicin", which increases a man's morale, can not only stimulate, but also cause hallucinations and be violent.

How does sour cream work?

Country women know how sour cream affects potency. It's not for nothing that they spoil their men with fresh sour cream for borscht, pancakes and seasonal salads. Although perhaps gastronomic pleasure plays an important role in libido.

Many men are adamant that they are doing well on the love front thanks to daily servings of egg and sour cream cocktail. True, sour cream contains the entire complex of vitamins necessary for men's health, but in order to meet the need only with the help of this cocktail, you need to take it in liters.

There are many more of these same vitamins in serum, but for some reason no one is touting its healing effects on the reproductive system. By and large, sour cream is useful, but that's all. There are more active stimulants, and what!

What nuts are useful?

Nuts are the most delicious treat for everyone, from young to old. They are especially useful for men of all ages. It's not just nuts that fall into the "potency stimulants" category, but also sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. The question of which nuts are good for potency is irrelevant, as they all have powerful healing potential.

Nuts contain the substance "origin", which stimulates an erection. Daily consumption of three to four walnuts or a small amount of other varieties has a positive effect on potency. The effects of nuts are even more pronounced if you use them with honey.

What kind of honey is useful?

Experts agree on what kind of honey is useful for potency: natural, undissolved, freshly harvested. Be it monofloral or polyfloral (from one plant species or combined), candied or liquid, the main thing is bee, real. Honey slightly pinches the tongue - this indicates that its useful substances are active. They mobilize the body's defenses, accelerate regeneration and are useful for potency.

And yet, what kind of honey is most useful for potency? It is believed that collecting from the steppe oregano (marjoram) at the time of its flowering, as well as from jasmine flowers, is more effective than usual collecting. These plants are libido stimulants and the honey collected from them acts like a concentrate, especially with nuts.

All listed plants and other aphrodisiacs of natural origin have no instant effect. It takes some time to notice its positive effect on potency. And yet - any chronic diseases can be contraindications to taking herbal stimulants of erectile function.

What is needed for the treatment of prostatitis at home - effectively and quickly? You need a list of all the possible ways you can treat prostate infection at home and tremendous patience. After all, men lack just that, a greater percentage of them dropping out of the course halfway, at a time when the main symptoms of discomfort have been eliminated. This is fundamentally wrong, drowning out typical signs does not mean that the disease is completely cured, there can be no question of effective treatment here. It will take a long time to fight prostatitis, it will not work quickly to treat what has been "created" for years, effective treatment of prostatitis ends with the complete elimination of the disease.

A man is upset with bad potency, how to increase products

How to diet to increase male power

The thorny issue of erectile dysfunction currently affects at least a third of the entire half of the male population of the planet. This is due to the observance of bad habits, lack of exercise, poor quality nutrition and many other aspects.

Almost every man, when problems of this nature arise, tries to quickly solve them with the help of synthetic drugs, which are not always effective and safe. But it is possible to restore masculine strength by establishing proper nutrition. Products to increase potency, also called aphrodisiacs, can cope well with the problem of weakening of erectile function and restore man's health and strength. It's just important to know when and how to consume foods with exciting properties.

Nutrition to strengthen potency

A competent change in diet is an effective and efficient measure in the fight for health and male potency. In order to avoid delicate sexual problems, taking medication and supplements is not required at all. You just need to know what foods increase potency and follow the rules for their consumption.

Regardless of lifestyle and type of work, every man's diet must contain certain chemical elements that help strengthen the body as a whole and prevent erectile dysfunction.

Maximum assimilation of these nutrients occurs when they are ingested through ingestion of food. For example:

  • Vitamins of groups A, B, C, E. They have a positive effect on the system of nervous impulses, significantly increasing their permeability, thereby increasing sexual excitability.
  • Magnesium, zinc and potassium are substances necessary for the full and stable functioning of the reproductive system, and also have the properties of antidepressants.
  • Protein is a substance that is a building material on the basis of which the solid foundation of the human body is literally based.

Each of the elements included in the list above is an integral part of nutrition, the main purpose of which is to maintain male power at the right level or, if necessary, to restore weakened potency.

Also, one of the main aspects of proper nutrition is the prevalence in a man's diet of natural products that have undergone minimal heat treatment. In such dishes, the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements is preserved.

A balanced menu should combine a reasonable amount of plant and animal foods, oils, spices, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is this approach to the regime that will help restore weakened potency, significantly improve the quality of sexual intercourse and restore pleasure in the intimate side of life.

Important! Do not forget that a healthy lifestyle categorically excludes bad habits, including the use of fatty, fried and sweet foods. Otherwise, even the maximum amount of aphrodisiacs in the diet will not help increase potency in men.


The stimulating properties of seafood, including some species of marine fish, have long been known. They are enriched with a large amount of selenium and zinc, substances that are an integral part of every man's complete diet. Eating dishes where seafood is the main ingredient can also be used to achieve rapid sexual arousal.

The most useful seafood for men's health, rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements necessary for health, can be included in the list below:

  • Shrimp;
  • oysters;
  • Sea fish such as flounder.

Important! The most useful seafood for men are those that have undergone minimal heat treatment during the cooking process. They retain almost all of their unique properties and flavor. Do not eat food that has been cooked by deep frying in a large amount of oil.


Plant-based food is also an essential part of a man's diet who cares about his own health. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits fresh or after minimal heat treatment. So they retain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.

In order to quickly increase male erection ability, it is recommended to regularly eat such vegetables as:

  • Onion. It helps restore blood circulation, prevents the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs, perfectly strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with useful vitamins and trace elements.
  • Garlic. It is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, sometimes increasing the quality and duration of sexual intercourse. This tool is almost instantaneous. It can be used both as a fragrant additive to ready meals, and as the main component of tinctures useful for men.
  • Ginger. It is a powerful stimulant and antioxidant. It improves the quality of intimate life, strengthens the immune system, promotes the flow of hemalymph to the pelvic organs and prevents the development of many diseases.
  • Tomatoes. They are also aphrodisiacs that can increase sexual desire and arouse sensuality. It is necessary to use natural fresh tomatoes, grown in natural conditions, which have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Celery. On the basis of rhizomes and stems, various types of dishes are prepared, as well as medicinal potions that have stimulating properties and help increase erection. For example, here is a recipe for a very tasty drink that stimulates sexual desire and activity: Dissolve a teaspoon of dried celery root powder in a cup of hot chocolate. Consume warm immediately before sexual intercourse.

Important! In order to get the maximum benefit from eating vegetables, it is recommended to eat them during their natural ripening period, i. e. summer and autumn. Products grown in greenhouses or stored for long periods lose most of the vitamins and minerals.

bee products

The composition of almost all beekeeping products includes an almost complete periodic table, they contain unique combinations of useful vitamins and trace elements. Regular consumption of wax, honey and other products has a positive effect on potency and health in general. Some of the health benefits of this food are:

  • Strengthening the body's immune forces, activating the processes of repair and regeneration of cells and tissues, increasing resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Removal of toxins and toxins from the body, gentle and natural cleansing of all organs and systems, activation of the production of enzymes, including sexual ones.
  • Also, bee products have powerful stimulant properties that sometimes increase the quality and duration of intercourse.
  • They prevent the development of many diseases, including the reproductive system.
  • They improve blood circulation, improve metabolic processes, prevent the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Important! Honey, propolis or other products must be of exceptionally high quality. Only natural and fresh food is saturated with the amount of useful substances and microelements necessary for the human body.

Animal products

Animal food is a constant source of healthy and easily digestible protein that is so necessary for the male body. This substance is a kind of building material for cells and tissues, its lack in the body can certainly lead to the development of side effects.

Eggs, lean meat, milk, dairy products - all these products must be included in the daily diet to maintain male power at the right level.

It is best to look out for products such as:

  • Veal;
  • Turkey;
  • quail eggs;
  • Yogurt;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Kefir.

Based on the above products, it is quite possible to cook a full and tasty dinner. However, one should not forget that the proportion of animal products in the diet should not exceed one third of this. The other two parts should be foods of plant origin. Only if these rules are observed, the body absorbs the optimal amount of nutrients that make up the food.

But even a wholesome and rich diet will not bring the desired success if the basic aspects of a healthy lifestyle are neglected. Giving up bad habits, moderate exercise, eating only high-quality and natural products – good male health and sexual activity are based on these three pillars.